This is a list of all my published pieces on disability, grouped into the following categories: Violence, Inclusion, and Representation. Some pieces could be placed in multiple categories.
- I am currently writing a book for Beacon Press about why so many victims of police violence are disabled under the working title: Cult of Compliance: The Criminalization of Disability in America. Expected Summer 2018.
- I co-wrote The Ruderman White Paper on Media Coverage of Police Use of Force and Disability. With Lawrence Carter-Long. Published March, 2016.
- I was the lead author on The Ruderman White Paper on Media Coverage of the Murder of Disabled Individuals by Their Families and Caregivers. Published March, 2017.
Violence and Criminalization
- In Autism Arrest, Only Thing New was Video (CNN, 4/22/17)
- Disability Rights on Death Row (Pacific Standard, 4/21/17)
- The Supreme Court Sets a New Precedent on the Death Penalty and Disability (March 2017, Pacific Standard)
- Disabled Americans: Stop Murdering Us (March 2017, Pacific Standard)
- How a Prosecutor used Disability to Claim Sexual Assault was just Bullying (Pacific Standard, 1/10/17)
- Facebook Live Attack and Violence against Disabled Americans (CNN, 1/6/17)
- Rape Culture and Disability – Nicholas Fifield and Jane Doe (Pacific Standard, 9/8/16)
- Remember the Sagamihara 19 (Pacific Standard, 8/19/16)
- The Massacre in Japan Was Not an Anomaly (Pacific Standard, 7/26/16)
- Charles Kinsey: Shooting a Man Lying Down With His Hands Up (, 7/22/16)
- Hung by his Belt: Mistreatment of Disabled Child in Georgia (, 5/4/16)
- How to End the School to Prison Pipeline (Pacific Standard, 3/24/16)
- When Teachers Abuse Disabled Children (Pacific Standard, 12/17/2015)
- Beyond the Crisis: Philip Coleman, the Chicago PD, and Mental Illness Response (, 12/17/2015)
- Paul Ryan Blames Mass Shootings on Mental Illness (Al Jazeera America, 12/5/15)
- The San Bernardino Massacre (, 12/3/15)
- The Outrage of Handcuffing Children in Schools (, 8/5/15)
- The Corrosive Cult of Compliance in Our Schools (Al Jazeera America, 4/22/15)
- Sheehan vs SF: A Chance to Reduce Police Killings of People with Disabilities (Al Jazeera America, 3/22/15)
- To assess LAPD shooting, look past the moment of gunfire. (, 3/2/15)
- Kristiana Coignard Did Not Have to Die (, 2/2/15)
- Police Violence Sparks Disability Rights Movement (Al Jazeera America, 12/22/14)
- Eric Garner: The Intersections of Race and Disability ( 12/4/14)
- The Death of London McCabe: Child Murder & Discourse of Disability ( 11/10/2014)
-  Psychiatric Disability & the Police: The search for reasonable accommodations (, 8/26/14)
- Ferguson and the Cult of Compliance (Al Jazeera America, 8/15/2014)
- Police Violence and Disability, with Lawrence Carter-Long (, 5/6/14)
- Rape Culture and Disability Intersect in Georgia (, 3/11/2014)
- Police Accountability and Attacks on the Disabled (History News Network, 9/4/2013)
- Ethan Saylor: Disability Rights are Universal Human Rights (, 8/29/2013).
- When Cops Criminalize the Disabled (, 8/1/2013)
Inclusion and Family
- Restaurants Haven’t Lived Up to the Promise of the American Disabilities Act (Eater, 5/31/17)
- Uber’s Deregulated Business Violates Disability Rights Law (Newsweek, 5/17/17)
- How to Break Ground for Deaf Actors in Hollywood (April 2017, Pacific Standard)
- Stop Calling Some Needs ‘Special’ (March 2017, The Establishment)
- Academic Jobs Screen out Disabled Candidates (Pacific Standard, 2/14/17)
- Don’t Turn my son’s Dancing into Inspiration Porn (The Establishment, 2/8/17)
- Down Syndrome and Stories (Pacific Standard, 1/13/17)
- My Non-Verbal Son and Hamilton (Washington Post, 10/21/16)
- Inclusion isn’t about Intention, but Communication (, 9/27/16)
- Stop Celebrating Random Kindness; Plan Kindness Instead (, 9/7/16)
- Disability Rights and Reproductive Rights in the Age of Zika (Los Angeles Times, 8/29/16)
- No One Should Have to Crowdfund a Wheelchair (Pacific Standard, 7/5/16)
- Universal Design: Saying Goodbye to In-Class Tests (Chronicle Vitae, 5/24/16)
- ‘Amoris Laetitia’ has a Narrow View of Disability (Crux, 4/12/16)
- Narrative Deployments of Disability (Los Angeles Review of Books, 4/6/16)
- How Disabled Academics Work (Chronicle Vitae, 3/21/16)
- Job Discrimination in Plain Print (Al Jazeera America, 2/10/15)
- Disabled People Need Not Apply (Al Jazeera America, 2/5/15)
- Brookfield Zoo Gets Inclusion Right (Chicago Special Parent, 1/3/16)
- When Traveling with Children, there Are No Special Needs (12/22/15)
- Halloween and the Social Model of Disability (Pacific Standard Magazine, 10/27/15)
- The Surprisingly Simple Future of Assistive Technology (Al Jazeera America, 8/17/15)
- US schools must stop excluding children with disabilities (Al Jazeera America, 6/16/15)
- What Kids Learn When Adults Aren’t Inclusive (Washington Post, 6/11/15)
- Speaking Out Against Autism Speaks (, 6/4/15)
- Zoo Camp for All (Belt Magazine, 5/12/15)
- “Daddy, What’s Down Syndrome?” (Yahoo! Parenting, 3/17/15)
- Information, Not Inspiration: How to work against the fear of Down syndrome (, 2/18/15)
- Airlines Break Too Many Wheelchairs – But We can Fix It (Al Jazeera America, 1/31/15)
- Anti-Choice Legislators Try to Force Wedge Between Reproductive, Disability Rights Activists (Reproductive Health Reality Check, 1/16/15)
- Harsh Critics in Public Spaces, Judging Only What They See (, 1/12/15)
- For Parents of Children With Down Syndrome, ‘Abortion vs. Hardship’ Is a False Binary (Reproductive Health Reality Check, 11/18/2014)
- No Longer “Falling off the Cliff” – College for People with Intellectual Disabilities (Chronicle of Higher Education, 11/11/14)
- Review: Disability and Technology in John Scalzi’s Lock In (Huffington Post, 8/29/14)
- The problems with telling jokes about Down Syndrome (, 8/6/2014)
- “Never Alone – Our Story of Down Syndrome Diagnosis” (BLOOM Magazine, 7/21/14).
- Jenny McCarthy and Fear-based Parenting (, 7/17/2013)
- The Public Health Menace of Jenny McCarthy (, 7/11/2013)
- The Angel/Retard Dialectic (, 11/16/2012)
- Down Syndrome and the Discourse of Abortion (Minneapolis/St. Paul Star Tribune, print edition 10/5/2008)
Representation and Politics
- ACLU sues New Hampshire for Disenfranchising Disabled Voters (Pacific Standard, 5/16/17)
- What should you do when your favorite celebrity gets autism wrong? (Pacific Standard, 4/19/17)
- The Shows Shaking Up Disability Representation on Television (March 2017, Pacific Standard)
- How to Debunk Myths About Autism (February 2017, Pacific Standard)
- Can Disability Rights Stay Bipartisan? (March 2017, Pacific Standard)
- Meet the Radical Disabled Americans Fighting the GOP Health Care Bill (March 2017, Pacific Standard)
- How Disabled Americans Are Fighting the GOP Health-Care Bill (March 2017, Pacific Standard)
- Betsy DeVos and Special Education (Pacific Standard, 1/18/17)
- Use Streep to Get Real on Disability (CNN, 1/9/17)
- Disability Heads to the Polls (Pacific Standard, 11/2/16 and October Print)
- Trump: The Most Ableist Candidate in Modern US History (Los Angeles Times, 10/17/16)
- Speechless is Breaking New Ground on Television (The Atlantic, 9/21/16)
- Paralympics: Why Playing Sports While Disabled is a Radical Act (Rolling Stone, 9/13/16)
- Dear GOP: Stop mocking people with disabilities (, 9/9/16)
- Stop Calling Trump Crazy (, 8/4/16)
- Hillary Clinton’s Plan for Disability Rights Shows She’s a True Progressive (Playboy, 7/26/16)
- Why Don’t Political Ads about Disability Have Captions? (The Establishment, 7/8/16)
- Dante: An Intersectional Political TV Ad (The Establishment, 7/1/16)
- Pope Francis needs to do more than Kiss the Disabled (Crux, 6/14/16)
- Grace: An Anti-Trump Ad Full of Disability Stereotypes (, 6/12/16)
- Indiana Abortion Law Won’t Help The Disabled (USA Today, 3/26/16)
- Olivia Wilde’s PSA on World Down Syndrome Day (The Establishment, 3/21/16)
- Disabled Americans Get Political (The Establishment, 3/10/16)
- Sexual Ableism (Los Angeles Review of Books, 2/25/16)
- Inspiration Porn Objectifies People with Disabilities (The Establishment, 2/25/16)
- Mount St. Mary’s Ableist Plan to Push Our Disabled Students (The Establishment, 2/25/16)
- A Reporting Project Puts Disabilities on the Political Agenda (The Atlantic, 1/25/16)
- Autism: Can other candidates match Hillary Clinton’s plan? (, 1/10/16)
- Reality TV Takes on Down Syndrome (Al Jazeera America, 12/21/15)
- Politicians are Ignoring Americans with Disabilities (Al Jazeera America, 11/10/15)
- Fix “Autism Speaks.” (Al Jazeera America, 10/9/15)
- What Switched at Birth gets Right and Wrong about Families Like Mine (, 9/8/15)
- Down Syndrome, Prenatal Testing, and a Teenage Soap Opera? The Importance of Switched At Birth (The Mary Sue, 9/02/15)
- A “Bechdel-Wallace” Test for the Disability Community (Al Jazeera America, 8/30/15)
- Stop Politicizing Down Syndrome and Abortion (, 8/24/15)
- Inspiration Porn Disables the Disabled (Al Jazeera America, 6/3/15)
- Daredevil and Scenes of Ordinary Disability (, 4/20/15)
- RFK Jr. owes a lot of people an apology for his comments on autism (, 4/16/15)
- Bruce Rauner: Picking on Society’s Most Vulnerable (, 3/18/15)
- Playing Politics with the Disabled (Al Jazeera America, 11/26/2014)
- Down Syndrome – Getting Beyond “Cute” (Al Jazeera America, 10/15/2014)
- Kanye West and Questioning Disability (, 9/16/2014)
- Do we need Trigger Warnings in the Classroom? (, 5/20/2014)