Right Wing Attacks on Academia Continue: Iowa Law Mandates Political Affiliation

Amidst all the furor over Milo and UC Berkeley, in which non-students staged an action to shut down a speech, the GOP keeps doing its thing – using money and access to power to try and overthrow public universities. I wrote about this most recently here for Pacific Standard and on the blog. Latest examples: Waiting excitedly … Continue ReadingRight Wing Attacks on Academia Continue: Iowa Law Mandates Political Affiliation

Adventures in Academic Freedom

Four stories. 1) ALEC is meeting with legislators and talking about pulling funding from public colleges and universities if they don’t include more conservative views. But meanwhile, ALEC is meeting and saying: “pull funding from schools perceived to be limiting discourse.” https://t.co/zNI9e2OGYE@conor64 pic.twitter.com/OtlnTarNgL — David M. Perry (@Lollardfish) January 8, 2017 The academic freedom PC … Continue ReadingAdventures in Academic Freedom