Books are Awesome (Returned Citizens go to Berkeley)

The New Yorker has a piece on formerly incarcerated people going to UC Berkeley. It’s long and interesting, with many good tidbits about life in prison, life in college, structural obstacles, but also genuine opportunities.  But I want to quote a few bits on how awesome books are. This is Murillo. At first, he read the … Continue ReadingBooks are Awesome (Returned Citizens go to Berkeley)

Steve Silberman wins everything! (Or, how paradigms change).

Steve Silberman, author of Neurotribes, has won the Samuel Johnson prize for non-fiction, a prestigious U.K. award. It’s the latest of many prizes, glowing reviews, and appearances high on best-seller lists for this magnificent work on the history and meaning of autism. It directly challenges all the pity and tragedy narratives, without erasing lived experiences … Continue ReadingSteve Silberman wins everything! (Or, how paradigms change).