The Chocolate Milk Mustache of the Corporatization of the University

From Vox, Julia Belluz has quite a story. The University of Maryland issued a press release about a new study on the effects of a single brand of chocolate milk on cognitive and motor skill tests in high school athletes. The story, as she documents, is that Fifth Quaker Fresh funded research, the scientists did … Continue ReadingThe Chocolate Milk Mustache of the Corporatization of the University

Voluntary Wellness Programs are Neither Voluntary nor Promote Wellness.

Many work wellness programs work like this – get regular checkups, hit various benchmarks of health, get money! It’s a way for business to lower their health care costs by rewarding people for making healthy choices. Except that according to the ACLU, these bonuses are basically closed to people with disabilities. Moreover, there’s no real … Continue ReadingVoluntary Wellness Programs are Neither Voluntary nor Promote Wellness.

Management or Administration?

In the Chronicle of Higher Education, on my first piece about customer service, I made this comment: “Faculty members respond to the student-as-consumer by teaching defensively, fearing the management that we formerly referred to as administration. But administrators administrate on behalf of the faculty. Employees delivering customer service get managed.” It’s kind of a throwaway … Continue ReadingManagement or Administration?