Finishing a Humanities Dissertation in Six Years – My Advice

Mark Braude, a Stanford Post-doc, has written a perfectly reasonable essay of how to finish a Humanities dissertation in 6 years. Good job Mark. I’m genuinely glad you’re writing in public and congratulations on finishing so quickly. Higher Ed pubs, in general, publish many of these essays in which the author takes his or her … Continue ReadingFinishing a Humanities Dissertation in Six Years – My Advice

Crowdsourcing: How do you feel about the new MLA Dissertation Proposal?

Dear Adjuncts, Grad Students, Post-Ac, Alt-Ac, and other academics who are getting or have PhDs but who do NOT have a FT faculty position. UPDATE: Or people in TT jobs not doing much research due to teaching load! The MLA, via this report, has recommended reducing time to degree for people in MLA fields. Reduce time to … Continue ReadingCrowdsourcing: How do you feel about the new MLA Dissertation Proposal?