Who Knows Anything? – Journalism, Caesarean Section, and the Production of Knowledge

The New York Times ran a story about an amazing c-section survival in 1337. But historians of medieval medicine don’t think it happened.  By Monica H. Green On Wednesday, 23 November 2016—the day before the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S.—the New York Times ran what it likely assumed to be a “fun fact” story, a … Continue ReadingWho Knows Anything? – Journalism, Caesarean Section, and the Production of Knowledge

Grab Your Balls and The Problem with Blind Peer Review

Men’s Rights Activists are a particular strain of misogynist who couch their hatred of women in appropriating a language of victimhood. As an avowed feminist, I have encountered them many times, including when I put a defense of feminism on a website haunted by MRAs, and hung around in the comments for a few days … Continue ReadingGrab Your Balls and The Problem with Blind Peer Review