Hacks in Human Evolution: Menstruation

This was by far the most interesting thing I read yesterday: Menstruation as a Hack by science-writer Suzanne Sadedin. She goes through the whole process by which human fetuses operate as parasites on their mothers (as opposed to in other mammals where the mother’s control the process), thanks to the “ravenous hemochorial placenta.” Therefore, she … Continue ReadingHacks in Human Evolution: Menstruation

Women and Science: Harassment and Dropping Out

A few weeks ago, I wrote a well-read blog post about girls and science. Apparently, we’re still debating whether it’s nuture or nature that drives women to choose professions other than science. Two recent pieces in the national media provide more evidence for the ways that women get driven out of the scientific profession, as … Continue ReadingWomen and Science: Harassment and Dropping Out

Girls and Science – Makers vs a Scientific American Blogger

So Verizon and Makers teamed up to make a great new video about the insidious ways that we push girls away from science. I am always suspicious of corporations getting involved in social causes, as they tend to be followers rather than leaders. Still, Makers is pretty great and I think the video highlights some typical … Continue ReadingGirls and Science – Makers vs a Scientific American Blogger