Trump and his VP as Predicted by Montesquieu

Yesterday, this New York Times story went around on Trump’s plans to empower his Vice-President.  ‘One day this past May, Donald Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., reached out to a senior adviser to Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, who left the presidential race just a few weeks before. As a candidate, Kasich declared in March … Continue ReadingTrump and his VP as Predicted by Montesquieu

Melania Trump does not advocate respect for people with whom she disagrees

By now you’ve heard about Melania Trump plagiarizing Michelle Obama. Omissions are as telling as inclusions. Consider the following: Here’s Michelle Obama. Absences highlighted, instead of copying. “Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond … Continue ReadingMelania Trump does not advocate respect for people with whom she disagrees

Ken Burns’ Historians on Donald Trump: Old white guys mostly

This all started because noted cranky scold Stanley Fish wrote a New York Times piece chiding historians for having opinions about Donald Trump as historians. Here, read Erik Loomis take it apart over at Lawyers, Guns, and Money. Honestly, the original essay makes no coherent argument about why it’s not ok to use one’s expertise to … Continue ReadingKen Burns’ Historians on Donald Trump: Old white guys mostly

#CripTheVote and Dante: Priorities USA Cuts a New Ad Featuring Disabled Child of Color Speaking for Himself

This is the new Priorities USA ad – Dante. It features a young disabled African-American boy speaking directly to the camera about Donald Trump. A few weeks ago, Priorities USA released the ad Grace, which features who nice white parents of a disabled child criticizing Donald Trump for making fun of people with disabilities. I … Continue Reading#CripTheVote and Dante: Priorities USA Cuts a New Ad Featuring Disabled Child of Color Speaking for Himself

Trump and Disability: A New Ad from Priorities USA

When Donald Trump mocked a New York Times reporter who has a physical disability, he was instantly and roundly criticized from across the political spectrum. In a campaign marred by his sexism, racism, Islamophobia, and other hate speech, the disability insult picked up condemnation from people less concerned about Trump’s other remarks. Trump, of course, denied … Continue ReadingTrump and Disability: A New Ad from Priorities USA

Trump and the “F-word” – Rick Perlstein

Rick Perstein, a foremost historian on the rise of the American right, has a long piece on Donald Trump and fascism, comparing his emergence to the politics of other demagogues and fascists throughout the 20th century. It’s a thoughtful, detailed, assessment of the risks and the process. When Trump emerged, many folks started to compare … Continue ReadingTrump and the “F-word” – Rick Perlstein