911 and Cult of Compliance

It isn’t safe for families to call 911 when their loved ones have mental health crises.

It isn’t safe for families to not call 911 either.

Last Tuesday, the 29-year-old had a physical confrontation with his mom over the issue at their Snohomish home. Jen and her mother tried to get a mental health provider to help involuntarily commit Alex, but he wasn’t deemed enough of a threat.
Reluctantly, they called 911.
“I was always so, so, so scared to call the police to get help,” said Jen. “This is why.”
Jen said dispatchers were told Alex needed a calm and quiet intervention at the house. When Alex tried to close the door on two Snohomish County deputies, Jen said they pushed their way inside and started shouting commands.
In his mental state, Alex was unable to comply and ran into his mother’s bedroom.
Jen said officers escalated things quickly.
“They were tasing him, kicking him, punching him, and hitting him with batons,” she said. “He was just yelling for my mom to help him.”
By the time Alex was adequately restrained, police noticed he had stopped breathing. They performed CPR for an hour, but their efforts were unsuccessful.

When non-compliance, on its own, justifies the use of force, disabled people die. This is the #CultOfCompliance

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