Sunday Roundup: Eden Foods, Facebook, Down Syndrome, and Customer Service

Every Sunday I post a roundup of my writing from the blog and any external media. Next week, by the way, I am expecting copyedits of a scholarly book, Sacred Plunder: Venice and the Hagiographies of the Fourth Crusade. I’m excited, but it may limit my blogging for a few weeks.

The end of the week was dominated by Eden Foods, my correspondence with them, and the re-posting of my blog to DailyKOS where many of you read it. Thanks for so many shares and follows and likes. I’ll do my best to keep you reading!

One of the things I’d like you to read is our Down syndrome diagnosis story. I wrote it as part of a larger campaign and I think it says what I want it to. It’s also re-hosted here at the Good Men Project. I talk about the ways in which our community and the tangibility of our son helped us overcome the shame and sorrow we felt when Nico was diagnoses, and the challenges of accessing that kind of support in a pre-natal context. Tomorrow, I’ll say more about our community.

I also wrote an essay about the Facebook story and “In Praise of the IRB,” the most annoying institution at a university. Ethics matters.

Finally, last March I wrote an essay about the language of “customer service” at universities and how it short-changes students. I published a followup on the “Learning-centered” university this week, with a blog post and an essay on Chronicle Vitae.

Thanks for reading. Also, I have a band. We’re awesome. We have a kickstarter. Help push us over the edge, please! We’re almost there.

Thanks for reading. See you tomorrow.

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