We Need Vaccine Mandates

If we’re going to achieve herd immunity against Covid-19 in all its variants, it’s becoming increasingly clear that we’ll need to impose vaccine mandates. But the details matter. I argue we should use existing systems that already mandate other vaccines, rather than trying to create new ones. In a few weeks I’ll be required to … Continue ReadingWe Need Vaccine Mandates

Donald Trump – Consistent on Antivax.

It’s faded from the news during this intense election cycle, but Orac makes an argument that one of Donald Trump’s most consistent positions over the years is that he’s a proponent of anti-vaccine conspiracy theories. Antivax groups know it though, and they’re excited about having one of their movement appointing the head of the CDC. Orac … Continue ReadingDonald Trump – Consistent on Antivax.

Dr. Jill Stein – “I’m not aware” of evidence linking vaccines and autism

I will be writing more fully on this elsewhere, but here’s a storify of Dr. Jill Stein’s tweets about autism and vaccines. I was initially very pleased, but have been convinced that “I’m not aware” is still trying to walk the lines between anti-science conspiracy mongers and the rest of the electorate. Worse, Stein allegedly … Continue ReadingDr. Jill Stein – “I’m not aware” of evidence linking vaccines and autism

Mindless Anti-Medieval Mythography; Anti-Vaxers are not medieval – they are dangerously modern.

I am perpetually fascinated by the way that “medieval” is code for barbaric, backwards, savage, and the like. The phrase “get medieval” seems to have originated (or at least moved into widespread use) as a result of Pulp Fiction, in which Ving Rhames’ character, after being freed by Bruce Willis’ character, tells his rapist that … Continue ReadingMindless Anti-Medieval Mythography; Anti-Vaxers are not medieval – they are dangerously modern.

Vaccines – A Liberal Elite Conspiracy for Population Control?

EDIT: This is one of the most popular posts on the history of the blog. I assume many of you coming here are looking for confirmation that Vaccines are terrible. You won’t find them here. I am, however, fascinated by the way that anti-Vax language comes from both the right and the left and the … Continue ReadingVaccines – A Liberal Elite Conspiracy for Population Control?